Thursday, July 02, 2009

Does GPA matter?

Yes and no, but it can be a helpful indicator of work ethic, honesty, humility, character.

A coworker asked this as she considers possible people for hiring as an intern. This was my response:
My GPA was wretched even when i graduated, but I still think it's worth looking into because it says a lot about work ethic and a person's ability to focus on what's important. My GPA sucked because I slacked off and averaged Cs for about two years. When I finally came back around to Bs and As they only pulled it up to a 2.8 from 2.2ish. (I consider 2.8 low.) Therefore I think a low GPA is something worth asking about, but a low GPA does not say much of anything by itself.
Conversely, it's easy to argue that a good GPA does not guarantee an excellent employee, but I think it is more likely. Simply put, it's easy to be arrogant and arrogant people can make troublesome employees even if they're trying to "help". I've overwhelmed myself more than once thinking I could complete something new and complex with too little time.

The lesson I'm learning and learning again is be honest with oneself, and don't think to highly of my own abilities. Had I been more humble I would have been able to be more honest. Having been more honest I would have seen the need for more time. Having acquired more time I wouldn't be stressed all the time.

Hopefully I'm improving with this humility/honesty thing. Future projects will tell.

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