Monday, July 13, 2009

DI and IoC

Speak in acronyms others don't know and imply that you know something they don't whilst pretending it's so well understood by you that there's no need to use whole words. Better yet, use words or phrases like Gospel or Democrat with your friends only to say a lot whilst conveying little or nothing. [1]

I'm currently trying to wrap my head around Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. I think I'm part way there and think these links make great stepping rocks.

[1] Which isn't to imply that the use of Gospel and Democrat cannot be understood, but simply acknowledges that individuals can be thinking and imagining two totally different things when such expansive words arise in conversation. I've recently begun to learn the difference between hearing and listening. It's a dooser of a lesson I don't expect to complete this side of Heaven (another fascinating word that may have more to do with expanse then we can dare to imagine).

1 comment:

Leuke said...

Whoa... I don't think I understood anything those links were saying...