Monday, September 18, 2006

Creationism is Worthless (0)

Evolution fits well with good theology. Creationism is bad theology. Evolution explains original sin and the Christian model of human nature. Evolution explains family values. Evolution accounts for speicific Christian moral precepts. Evolution explains conservative free-market economics.

I read an article in scientific american today that boldly made those six points. The man orchestrating this bite of the big lie even went as far as quoting Proverbs 11:29 (ESV) at the very end, long after his light and invitingly deceptive lead-in.

I encourage you to read Michael Shermer's article, Darwin on the Right, from start to finish before I pick his false assertions apart. I hope it gives you a feel for how the average anti-creationist attacks good theology. If you don't understand why I have labelled him an anti-creationist or don't see it as an attack on good theology I hope that my arguments to follow help shine some much needed light on the subject. Go ahead, read the article, and check back here when you're done.

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Before diving into the trenches of spiritual warfare I would like to point out the upside of some statisically significant numbers he cited in his introduction. They suggest that creationism is still favored over evolutionism. He said, "Politically, 60 percent of Republicans are creationists, whereas only 11 percent accept evolution, compared with 29 percent of Democrats who are creationists and 44 percent who accept evolution." Now taking some liberty and simply assuming that republicans and democrats are roughly divided 50/50 we see that of the creationist/evolutionist whole, creationism (~61%) is still somehow more agreeable with the commoner than evolutionism (~39%). According to The Wisdom of Crowds, that is significant.

Perhaps having wetted your appetite, you'll check back later when I break apart each of his points, and reveal the errors of his way. Plus I'll bring context to the suggestive title, "Creationism is Worthless".

1 comment:

Franz Schneider said...

You should keep going, bro!